
Fuel Efficiency Services

Contributing to customers' success is central in everything we do. One of the ways in which we achieve this is by finding new avenues to support customers’ operation through innovative Products and Services. For our customers, fuel constitutes 50~60% of overall operating expenses, thus every drop of fuel counts. 

With the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning tools, we have been able to extensively evaluate multitude of parameters, that influence fuel efficiency and with this learning, we will be able to generate actionable insights which are followed up through a custom-made driver engagement on the ground. Our experienced driver training team will now deliver a tailor-made module and a personalize recommendation for each individual driver, think of it as a prescription shared by your doctor. The new Fuel Efficiency Services will combine the actionable insights suggested through advanced analytics and combine it with the rich experience of our driver trainers and deliver fuel savings like never before.

The Fuel Efficiency Services or FES, will transform the driver skill enhancement process from a generic driver training method to a focused individual driver intervention approach aided by advanced analytics by FE toolbox. We are confident that FES will raise the bar in terms of savings for our valued customers, so it is critical that FES be subscribed for a longer period of time, ranging from 6 to 12 months minimum to continuous engagement as an inherent part of routine operations.

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